Friday, February 24, 2006

Since He Got that Damn Cataract Surgery

Where to begin? Where indeed... I suppose I should begin at the Beginning. I arrived to a touching and, at the same time, inspiring collection of sights:

1. KG tottering gingerly behind the The Sound Machine in what can only described as a neckbrace fashioned using mediaeval technology... Big, Metal and Uncomfortable Looking.

2. Jimmy way down the bar by the pool table... on a stool!.... eating Karaoles grub... with his arm in a sling!

Obviously, before I could process all of this visual information, I had to settle a little matter with Mr. High Life. So I tried to catch one or the other of Mrs. Jimmy's eyes only to be thwarted by two competing distractions on her attention(s)... Jimlet putting in a drink order and Carol shouting incoherent and abusive orders at Mrs. Jimmy. I thought all was lost, but guess who came to the rescue with a Long Distance Strike? Jimmy!... From his pool table stool he growled through a mouthful of Hamburger the appropriate orders to Mrs. Jimmy to pay attention and wait on Paying Customers. I quickly apologized to Mrs. Jimmy for getting her in trouble and she brushed it off with, "It's okay, baby... Since he got that damn cataract surgery he has eyes like hawk."

Me and Mr. Miller had just started our conversation when Joe and Rhonda came in and beheld all that I had seen.

After the initial shock and resulting tear-up, Rhonda made short work of the whole thing...

Jimmy: Car crash... Woman (of course) T-boned him in an intersection... totaling his car and messing up his arm... he seems content to milk her insurance company for the time being

KG: 2 car crashes resulting in neck surgery - apparently involving Titanium and a Human Cadaver Bone... we are not sure how or if they were actually inserted into his body or not. Rhonda's quote: "Hey, KG, is that a Human Cadaver Bone in your neck or are you just glad to see me?!"

After repeated desperate SMSs to the Alien, he finally got there just before the first rotation.

KG dropped a bombshell... K will not only be on R but now it will be on T too! so we will have the option to K @ K's on T or K @ K's on R.... Krazy!

There were some particularly Loud and Amateurish Hipsters who just didn't get it... calling attention to themselves by Overly Enjoying what, I can only conclude, was their very first ever round of Beers... jesus where do these people come from?

I was a light "singer" night... Matchbox Kenny and KG had to "perform" more than I have ever seen them... Droopy got two or three in... We were all in a bitter-sweet mood due to all the human carnage so we hung back and only did one round... by the time we recovered the Jam was on due to a large table of LWLLs so we counted our Blessings and went home


Rhonda: FIFTY WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR LOVER (Matchbox Kenny made some kind of crack that he felt the need to apologize for to Rhonda - but none of us heard it - so there was a lost opportunity)
Joe: (chose to sit this one out)
Lisap: (had to work and was not in attendance :( )
Chris: JUST LIKE A WOMAN (but my voice breaks just like a little girl)

See you in 2 (two) weeks at K's for K on R
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

R's just the day to 'nebriate


R's just the day to 'nebriate,
No better weekday to drink beer
We mark that day
for just one thing:
In fact, it's our day for extra-
ordinary K.

I just wrote to ask, "you want to?";
I just wrote to ask, "will you be there?";
I just wrote to ask, "you want to?";
And I think this time I just might "hit" the highest part.

K on R @ K's?
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Monday, February 13, 2006

Irony has its place

(inspired by ITSY BITSY SPIDER)

The very tipsy hipster could not sing but he could shout...
"They'll love my ironic Zeppelin," thought the hipster with no doubt
Once the song came on his posturing was all in vain
Now The very tipsy hipster won't be called up again!

A cautionary tale this week for all of us... irony has its place but not on
the Karaoles "stage". Keep the monkey business where it belongs - at work

K this R @ K's?
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Friday, February 03, 2006

Knocking on F'n Heaven's Door

Well it was a night to renew old friendships AND make new ones.

Matchbox Kenny was again at the helm... however, The Alien may have stumbled onto the secret of how to avoid getting Jammed - present Matchbox Kenny with only one rotation at a time... as a result he is spared complicated performance sorting. The results were dramatic. Nice tight well managed rotations... Another contributing factor could have been that Matchbox Kenny, "Chico" and us were the only ones "performing"... Initially... more on that below.

Old Friends: Marie has returned, hair freshly shoe polished - she must have gotten her doctor's clean bill of Hep-C health. She seems pretty fit if not a bit jaundiced... nothing that a few days of heavy drinking can't fix - Jimmy related that she'd "been in 'ere all day"

New Friends: It was a night of firsts in that we were solicited with "requests." We were approached and asked to "perform" certain numbers... weird... very weird. I am guessing some dare was involved (e.g. "I dare you to ask that Jackass to sing X... he looks just stupid enough to do it too!" Q: Were requests honored? A: Of course

More New Friends: The Alien made a new friend - he goes by the handle, "Indio" and he puts me in mind of "Al" from Happy Days (the non-asian one), that is if "Al" had spent his entire life abusing substances - Indio was so inebriated that he needed The Alien to walk him through the entire "performance process". "How do I do this? I want to sing 'Suspicious Minds'?" The Alien gave a full briefing and gained a new special friend. He surprised us with his ability to sing a full phrase behind the actual song... The Alien neglected to give him two key pieces of advice - 1. "Sing the words as they first _begin_ to light up... not _after_ they are all lit up..." AND 2. "Stagger up and present your slips to Matchbox Kenny, not the 'Performer' in the midst of their 'Performance'" - Chico dealt with this faux pas with aplomb. Those key pieces of advice made all the difference... on his second number (IT"S NOW OR NEVER) he did a lot, lot better.

The few "performers" were able to work off and inspire each other... for example... Chico chose "Knocking on Heaven's Door" to "perform"... The opening bars brought a exclamation from Indio's even more inebriated friend, "Knocking on F'n Heaven's Door, allllright!" This might have been what stirred Indio out of his stupor long enough to conceive that he too could go up there and make monkey sounds through the microphone.


The Alien: THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS (this is becoming The Aliens signature number), HIT THE ROAD JACK (what you say?), SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO (revisiting his Clash-y roots)
Mr Brett: AMERICAN IDIOT, ONE PIECE AT A TIME, HOLIDAY (Mr Brett performed a mini-Green Day tribute)

See everyone for K @ K's next R.
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