Thursday, December 15, 2005

Jimmy is just a man, just like us... but...

Apparently last night was the last night of the Karaoke Kontest. And not a day too soon. Luckily KG saw us and assured us that if we put in we would be bumped to the front of the line to avoid all the kontest kraziness. So that was nice... we had that. We did get a bit scolded for going to the well a bit too aggressively... putting KG into a delicate situation where he had to call just "Joe" up rather than "Joe and Chris" - pointing out his "error" was greeted by a scolding and a " guys know me... I have to handle this delicately...". Consider me schooled.

I arrived to the welcomed but unannounced presence of Mr. Brett. I caught him in the middle of enjoying a Karaoles Full Meal Deal (fries, burger(?), HL and a drunkin hillbilly action figure prize). Jimmy commented that Mr. Brett hadn't finished his fries... further relating that he had only just finished 2 Karaoles Full Meal Deals in the time it had taken Mr. Brett to NOT finish his one. We all nodded to each other acknowledging the unspoken but obvious truth: Jimmy is just a man, just like us... but just twice as much.

After that, I was greeted unexpectedly AGAIN, but Matt Shobe from FeedBurner out on a sanctioned spree... just as I had only just stopped reeling from this, Traci Hailpern (also from FeedBurner) made a unexpected appearance with two friends in tow (to be known as BigTraciFriend and SmallerTraciFriend, since I can't remember their names)... It was shaping up as an evening of unexpected greetings and comforting reconfirmations (Jimmy = us x 2).

The early warm up pre-Kontest "performers" included us and Magoo-san (kontest warm up) and a few other kontest kastaways. Joe had a interesting conversation with Magoo-san in the Men's Room (Hell) about Magoo-san's kontest prospects... It sounded quite spirited from the sounds of things... Takeaway advice from Magoo-san: "To do good in kontest... you got to move up there... you got to move." Sound advice, I suppose that I will choose to completely ignore.

Matt Shobe has an uncanny ability to name "characters"... immediately re-dubbing "Camo One Note" to "Camo-Tone." A much better label, I think... Not to be outdone, Mr Brett and Rhonda re-dubbed "Lil'She-Jimmy" to "Jimlet" another A+

When the Kontest Kommenced, it was all Drama Club - nuff said... we were impressed with the 1 Non-Blonde that "performed" WHAT'S GOIN ON, but none of us believed she had the stamina to prevail over the length of the kontest.


The Alien: [conspicuously absent]
Mr. Brett: FOLSUM PRISON BLUES (actually a mix up denying us the pleasure of his Bon Jovi stylings)
Lisap: [absent due to early morning presentation today]
Matt Shobe: [chose to sit this one out]
Traci: [bought a round of HL]
BigTraciFriend: [chose to sit this one out]
SmallerTraciFriend: [chose to sit this one out]

Hope to see everyone at K on R @ K's
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