Greetings from the Niles Township Bike Trail!

As many of you know, I had a little cycling accident over the weekend... Unfortunately it is not a spectacular story... mostly me not paying enough attention... I am used to the "Mean Streets of Chicago" not the "Terror that Lurks Beneath the Leaves" of the suburban bike trail... Luckily my girlfriend Lisa was with me or I might have been stripped of all my possessions by all the senior citizens whizzing by on their 3 wheeled bikes and left for dead.
Needless to say, having sustained what was later described as a "severe concussion," I was quite a hand full at the scene... Lisa describes several attempts to wander off into the woods while she attempted to phone the authorties. I blissfully remember nothing of the actual accident or the ride to the hospital or the ceremonial cutting away of my favorite t-shirt.
Before anyone asks, the Doctor (I was later told) said a helmet would have made very little difference in my particular (pavement-to-side-of-head) injuries... So all you kids out there take heed! Helmets are for Squares :)
Other than a fleeting images of a very nice EMS-attendant in the ambulance who appeared to me as Sea Cow with a name badge reading "Kirk," the first thing I remember was being in the hospital AFTER all my x-rays and scans and what not. I felt like Dorothy from the wizard of OZ waking up in Kansas... except all the farm hands looked like Lisa, Joe and Rhonda Kottke (Thanks so much to all of those guys, btw... It is indescribably nice to wake up to faces you recognize).
Well to make a long story short... I am beaten but not broken... I was advised by my Doctor (I was told later) to take a couple of days off and to not operate back-hoes or haybailing equipment, so I will be operating here from my Fortress of Solitude for a couple of days while I tend to my wounds - please do not hesitate to contact me by whatever medium you prefer.
P.S. Ironically Brain Injuries can give you insights you would have never had otherwise... for example... I am now CONVINCED that the Rockefellers AND the Rothschilds were behind the Hindenburg Disaster
P.S.S. Thanks a million Kirk, have a bucket of kelp on me - I was talking crazy and got me chilled out!
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